If you’re like many homeowners in the Charlotte area, you may only use your ceiling fan for a few months out of the year. Of course, it’s common practice to turn on the fan to help circulate cool air provided by air conditioning in the summer. But did you know that ceiling fans are actually designed for year-round use? At Patterson Heating & Air Conditioning, we find that using the ceiling fan in the winter is a low-cost way to increase your heating system’s efficiency.
Set your ceiling fan to reverse this winter in Charlotte, NC
You may never have paid any mind to the direction your fan turns. Well, it turns out that the fan’s direction allows it to be extremely versatile. This is made possible by a very simple property of air. Cold air is denser than warm air, so cooler air will collect near the floor of a room while warmer air will rise closer to the ceiling. This is where fan blade magic comes in. A fan set to the “forward” or counterclockwise setting will push air downwards, causing cool air near the floor to circulate and create a chilling effect. Therefore, set fans to forward during the summer. But what about winter? When you find yourself heading to crank up the thermostat a few degrees, turn on the ceiling fan instead. Running the fan in the “reverse” or clockwise direction forces warm air out and around the sides of the room. This makes the room feel warmer without creating uncomfortable wind-chill effects.
Other factors to consider
Running the ceiling fan is an excellent way to cut down on winter heating costs. However, keep in mind that fans are designed to keep you and your family warm, not the walls and carpets. Only run a fan when someone is in that particular room, otherwise, it’s simply a waste of energy. In addition, fan quality does matter. A cheap fan may not provide much in the way of heating or cooling no matter what direction it turns. Higher-end fans with better blades will enhance your HVAC system, keeping your home comfortable in winter and summer months.
Like any other heating and cooling equipment, ceiling fans require professional installation and maintenance. Routine cleaning and inspection of your ceiling fan will increase its lifespan and effectiveness. For any and all HVAC needs, contact Patterson Heating & Air Conditioning today.