HVAC Jobs in Charlotte, NC Searching for employment in the HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) industry? The city of Charlotte, NC is one of the best places to look. According to the HVAC job forum on indeed.com, Charlotte, NC is one of the top 5 cities to find work. Average salaries are 8% higher...
Smart Thermostats are among the many available items to make your life easier and streamline the functions for your home. For those that are not tech-savvy, smart products for your home may be overwhelming and make you feel anything but smart. Hopefully once you understand the purpose of the products, that their design enables you...
It’s cold outside and you’re probably running your heating system quite a bit. What if you want it extra warm in one room and not in others (think getting out of a hot shower into a cold bathroom)? Consider purchasing a space heater. They’re a great way to warm up one area of your home...
Summer in the Carolinas would be virtually unbearable without A/C. A quality air-conditioner supplies your home with cool, refreshing air that makes the indoors a refuge from oppressive heat. However, the type of A/C system you have can make a difference in how comfortable the air in your home is. Patterson Heating and Air Conditioning...
Many homeowners dread the idea of replacing their HVAC system. The cost of a new system leads some to hold on to their current equipment for far too long. However, keeping an old system can be far more costly than upgrading to a new one. Patterson Heating and Air Conditioning can provide you quality, affordable...
Summers in Charlotte, NC can be unbearable! The heat and humidity make us wish for the cool days of fall. Extreme temperatures are not only tough on people, they are especially hard on our home’s ac system. You may be faced with the question above: Why is my air conditioner freezing up? It happens to...
In this article, we hope to provide some insight into how a common HVAC system functions and what each component is used for. When it comes to repairs, it is important that you as a customer understands exactly what you are paying for. At Patterson Heating & Air Conditioning, we strive to build trust with...
At Patterson Heating & Air Conditioning, we get the chance to meet homeowners in Charlotte during our home visits each and every day. Our technicians have been asked almost every question in the book when it comes to HVAC, so most of the time there isn’t an issue they can’t solve. One of the questions...
Your air conditioning unit is vital to cooling your home to a comfortable temperature during these hot Summer months. It’s on the clock 24 hours a day and must work properly when needed. If it doesn’t, then prepare yourself for a very uncomfortable home. We often get asked what the best time to upgrade an...