Are you looking for ways to keep your electric bills down? Patterson Heating and Air can help keep your HVAC system in Charlotte running at top efficiency to not only save you money, but provide cooling comfort for your home. There are many suggestions on how to weatherize your home yourself to help optimize your HVAC system, but before you make any changes, here are a few air conditioning myths to be aware of.
Bigger is Not Always Better
With the sweltering temperatures right around the corner, air conditioners will be running at full speed. If you notice that your home isn’t as cool as it used to be, even with the AC running, you may be tempted to look for a bigger unit. But there are a lot of reasons your air conditioner may not be cooling as it should. First, examine your outdoor unit. Is it surrounded by debris, grass clippings and debris blown around during the winter season? Have trees or bushes overgrown around the unit? Start by clearing away all the debris and pruning back any foliage. A clogged condenser unit makes your system run inefficiently. Your AC unit needs room to breathe. Make sure that there is at least 1 to 2 feet of clearance around the unit so it can vent properly. Is your exterior unit in full sun? Try providing some shade with a trellis or a lattice screen, making sure it stays the proper distance away from the unit. Oversized units can cause humidity problems. Your home will cool down too quickly, not allowing the system to remove the humidity, which can cause a multitude of problems.
Check Your Filter Regularly
Air filters can sometimes be forgotten as the busy days of summer roll about. However, the more the HVAC system runs, the more dust and dirt the air filter will catch. If your AC system is running on a regular basis, check the filter every 60 to 90 days and replace as needed. A clean filter not only helps with the indoor air quality, but it will also help efficiently circulate the air throughout the home. Dirty filters increase your energy costs; they clog the system and reduce efficiency.
Check Your Thermostat
Do you set your temperature higher every time you leave your house? If you are in and out of your home throughout the day, it is best to set your thermostat to one temperature. However, if you are out of your home for an extended period, eight or more hours, then it is best to set the temperature a little higher and back down in the evening when you return. Temperatures are cooler in the evening, so the system does not have to work as hard to cool. This is an effective way to keep your utility bill down and not overwork your system.
Do You Still Need Routine HVAC Maintenance?
The bottom line is yes; it is always a good idea to schedule a regular maintenance check up on your HVAC so the system can be thoroughly inspected. Besides the areas listed above, which are critical to the upkeep of your air conditioning unit, a thorough inspection and yearly tune-up is a must to keep your Charlotte HVAC system running at top efficiency. A service technician will be able to spot and repair problem areas before they become catastrophic. Connections will be checked and tightened, the refrigerant level inspected, parts will be lubricated and oiled among other routine maintenance areas.
All of these steps combined will contribute to the lifespan of your HVAC system and help keep your utility bills down. Patterson Heating and Air provides professional and expert service for your HVAC system. Give them a call today at 704-579-5257.
(Source: Don’t be fooled by these 5 home cooling myths, Fox News, July 18, 2014)