Looking for a new home cooling system? If so, one of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether to get an air conditioner or a heat pump. But what’s the difference, and how can you know which is right for you? Fortunately, Patterson Heating & Air Conditioning is here to help.
Air conditioner benefits in Charlotte, NC
Central A/C has long been the standard HVAC cooling solution. Air conditioners use refrigerant to transfer heat out of your home, keeping it cool and comfortable in the spring and summer. An air conditioner will provide you with reliable cooling, but you will also need a heating system, typically a gas furnace.
Heat pump benefits
When used for cooling, heat pumps operate exactly the same way that traditional air conditioners do. The difference is that heat pumps provide cooling and heating, without the use of a gas furnace. Heat pumps use refrigerant to move heat indoors in fall and winter, just as they move heat outdoors in the spring and summer. The benefit? They’re a simple, all-in-one solution to your year-round HVAC needs. In addition, heat pumps are highly efficient, using only electricity to keep your home comfortable.
Which HVAC system is right for my home?
Heat pumps are rising in popularity, particularly in the Charlotte area. Mild winters and hot, humid summers make the heat pump an ideal HVAC solution for local homeowners. However, if your home already has a furnace or heating system, upgrading to a high-efficiency air conditioner is the way to go. Do you live in an historic home, or need cooling for a finished basement? Then a ductless heat pump, or mini-split, could be the perfect solution. Mini-splits use heat pump technology without the use of ductwork, providing cool air in virtually any environment. Our technicians can accurately assess what system is right for you with a home inspection.
Call Patterson Heating & Air Conditioning today to see what HVAC system is right for you!