When it’s time to purchase a new air conditioner, you want to make sure you make a wise investment. An air conditioner is an expensive but necessary appliance for your home, and you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth.
It’s not uncommon for people to purchase air conditioners that are not sized correctly for their home. You may be tempted to purchase a smaller air conditioner thinking that you’ll save money or that a bigger unit isn’t really needed to cool your home. Or you may be considering a larger unit because you think that bigger is better and your house will cool faster. Both of these assumptions are simply not true. This is why a proper load calculation needs to be performed by the installing HVAC contractor in North Carolina.
Air conditioners are designed and sized differently for a reason. The square footage of your home, the direction your home faces, your climate zone, and your roofing and window material are all factors in the size air conditioner you’ll need. These factors play a major role in calculating the properly sized system for your home. For example, your home may be smaller in square footage, but you live in Charlotte, you have an older home with minimal insulation, and you have a lot of windows that face direct sunlight. Your home may need a larger heating and cooling system over a larger more energy-efficient home. This will be determined by an approved Manual J load calculation, which Patterson Heating & Air Condition will provide.
Why Does This Matter Anyhow?
Efficient air conditioners save you money on your energy bills, keep you comfortable, and have a longer lifespan.
When an air conditioner is too small, it struggles to reach the desired temperature despite constantly running. A unit that is too small will have unnecessary wear and tear and can potentially cause your evaporator coil to freeze.
When an air conditioner is oversized, it will cycle on and off again in short bursts. When this happens, your air conditioner does not run long enough to remove humidity from your home. The higher the humidity is in your home, the more uncomfortable you feel, and it can lead to mold and mildew problems. Essentially the home has that wet clammy feel, yuck! An oversized system can lead to unnecessary wear and tear on your unit, costing you money, and potentially shortening the life of your air conditioner. Again, the importance of a load calculation is vital in determining the proper size to keep your home comfortable while saving you money on utility bills.
Talk to a Professional at Patterson Heating & Air Conditioning
If you’re looking to purchase a new air conditioner, the best thing you can do is speak to one of the experts at Patterson. They can determine the correct load capacity for your home, and let you know the right size unit to keep you and your wallet more comfortable.
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