It is a perfect time to check and make sure that your furnace is working properly this season. There are various safety checks that will keep your home and business safe. With freezing temperatures approaching, it is a smart idea to inspect your furnace now, before it is running for longer durations during the winter. In addition to a thorough furnace inspection by a qualified professional, FEMA recommends the following for fire safety:
• Be sure every level of your home has a working smoke alarm, and be sure to check and clean it on a monthly basis.
• Plan and practice a home escape plan with your family.
• Contact your local fire department for advice if you have a question on Home Fire Safety.
At Advanced Appliance Service, we provide routine inspections, for furnaces in the Charlotte area. There are measures you can take to prevent a fire in your home or business and FEMA offers the following tips for wood fireplaces and wood stoves:
• Be sure the fireplace or stove is installed properly. Wood stoves should have adequate clearance (36”) from combustible surfaces, and proper floor support and protection.
• Wood stoves should be of good quality, solid construction and design, and should be UL listed.
• Have the chimney inspected annually and cleaned if necessary, especially if it has not been used for some time.
• Do not use flammable liquids to start or accelerate any fire.
Inspecting your chimney and fireplace for the winter is a good place to start. Look for any obvious signs of damage. Next, make sure that you have a plan for your furnace inspection. October and early November are perfect times to fire up your furnace and keep your windows open to perform safety checks. A combination of do-it-yourself advice from FEMA and keeping routine maintenance for your furnace a priority, you will enjoy a safe and warm winter season. Don’t wait for problems to come up that could lead to potential furnace fires. It’s time to address small issues that could become extremely dangerous later on.
Be proactive about your furnace’s safety and you will be safe and comfortable this winter season. At Advanced Appliance Service, we provide services for your furnace and heating system including maintenance and repair, in the Charlotte area.
(Source: Winter Fires: Safety Tips for the Home,, 2014)